5 Cool Places You Can Visit From the Comfort of Your Home

I like think of myself as an indoorsy outdoorsy person. I love to get outside — hiking, skiing, running, feeling an ocean breeze brush my face or cold ice crystals on my tongue during a snowstorm. But I also hate going outside, as in leaving my home when I could be settled in under a blanket …

My Top 5 Outdoor Adventure & Travel Podcasts

Whether you’re on an epic road trip through the American southwest or cooking an elaborate dinner at home, podcasts help us pass the time, entertain ourselves, and often learn something new. Voices of strangers keeping us company, giving us the news, sharing information. I usually listen to podcasts on my daily commute — one of …

Christmas lights adorn a teal car.

The Adventurer’s Guide to Sustainable Gifts

The holidays are a time of consumption. From Black Friday to Cyber Monday to Cyber Week to “we’ve extended our sale!” emails hitting our inboxes every day of December, the entire season has exploded into a roiling ball of buy the perfect gift, find a funny yet useless white elephant item, treat yourself to these self-care …

An Off-Season Guide to Northern Italy

Northern Italy is home to countless wonders of the world, from the peaks of the Dolomites to delicious pasta and gelato. A month ago, I was able to see this splendor on my first-ever trip to Italy, and I was excited to experience all of it.

A Programming Note

Hello, internet friends! Taking a moment here to thank you for reading my blog (even if you just stumbled upon it today.) I also wanted to give you the heads up that starting this week, I will be pretty much out of commission when it comes to communicating with the outside world, as I will …

Lombard Street in San Francisco

My Top 6 Road Trip Essentials

A few weeks ago, two friends of mine and I set out for California to begin an epic road trip down the west coast. After several days gallivanting around San Francisco, we picked up the rental car and realized: we have to drive this. Down the coast. For 900+ miles. Thankfully, we were (mostly) prepared. …

Jay Peak snowy landscape

Traveling Solo Doesn’t Have to Mean Abroad for a Week

When you picture a solo trip, you might see imagery of trains traveling through the European countryside or backpacking in East Asia. This kind of travel isn’t always attainable, as much as you might want to join the ranks of adventurers who have changed their lives through soul-searching trips alone to faraway countries. Maybe your budget …

Washington National Parks + the San Juan Islands [Part 2]

Welcome to Part 2 of our trip to the Washington national parks & San Juan Islands! We’ve reached the national parks portion of our tour. If you’re looking for the Game of Thrones on-location tour, that bus left an hour ago, and also you’re in the wrong country. Looks like you’re stuck here, so feel …