A young white woman with brown hair in ski gear and a bright green tutu stands and smiles in front of a snowy mountain view.

Saying Goodbye to My Twenties

I started my twenties at the airport in Columbus, Ohio — not ideal, but given my destination (Paris), an acceptable birthday location. “Happy birthday,” the desk agent told me, smiling slightly as she examined my documents for checking my two gigantic suitcases to Charles de Gaulle, the contents of which would hopefully sustain me for …

Christmas lights adorn a teal car.

The Adventurer’s Guide to Sustainable Gifts

The holidays are a time of consumption. From Black Friday to Cyber Monday to Cyber Week to “we’ve extended our sale!” emails hitting our inboxes every day of December, the entire season has exploded into a roiling ball of buy the perfect gift, find a funny yet useless white elephant item, treat yourself to these self-care …

Hanging Lake in Glenwood Springs, CO

On Moving // Moving On

A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece about the concept of home for She Explores. I’ve lived in 3 different, non-adjacent states in the last 3 years, so moving and what “home” means to me has been on my mind a lot lately. Here are some more thoughts. I forgot to care about my …

Trying Things December

Trying Things: December

Every month this year, I’m trying something new and documenting how it went. For the last month of 2018, I decided a little self-torture couldn’t hurt.

A woman hikes by a lake, "SORRY" coming out of a speech bubble.

Unapologetic Women

“Sorry!” This is what I say to people who bump into me on the sidewalk, people who have accidentally picked up my drink instead of theirs (“Oh, that’s mine, sorry”), to anyone who opens a door right as I’m about to walk through it, to waiters at restaurants that have accidentally messed up my order. …

Trying Things November

Trying Things: November

Many months ago, my grandma was preparing to move to Ohio to be closer to my parents, and she was clearing out some of her old things to prepare for the move. I was walking through her basement past a pile of said things when a word on the worn-looking box balanced on top of the pile caught my eye. Calligraphy.