Hello, internet friends!
Taking a moment here to thank you for reading my blog (even if you just stumbled upon it today.) I also wanted to give you the heads up that starting this week, I will be pretty much out of commission when it comes to communicating with the outside world, as I will be leading a bunch of high schoolers through the wilderness of Wyoming and Montana through the beginning of August. (I know, Awesome! Also, How terrifying!)
This means that I won’t be able to keep up with the blog in real time this summer – however, worry not! Just know that if I’m incommunicado, it’s only because I’m deep in the woods. And possibly deciding to never come back. Just saying.
As for my resolution to try something new every month this year – I will be doing a round-up post of my “new things” for June, July, and August once I get back. I’m hoping to have lots of things to add to the list.
Again, thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I’m excited to report back on my summer adventures, and I hope you’ll share yours with me, too 🙂
Cheers & happy wandering,