5 Cool Places You Can Visit From the Comfort of Your Home

I like think of myself as an indoorsy outdoorsy person. I love to get outside — hiking, skiing, running, feeling an ocean breeze brush my face or cold ice crystals on my tongue during a snowstorm. But I also hate going outside, as in leaving my home when I could be settled in under a blanket …

Lombard Street in San Francisco

My Top 6 Road Trip Essentials

A few weeks ago, two friends of mine and I set out for California to begin an epic road trip down the west coast. After several days gallivanting around San Francisco, we picked up the rental car and realized: we have to drive this. Down the coast. For 900+ miles. Thankfully, we were (mostly) prepared. …

Wander Weekly #1: Wonder Women

Welcome to Wander Weekly, a.k.a. what I’m consuming at the moment. That was a lot of W’s, and I’m sorry. Not that sorry, though. In honor of the recent release of Wonder Woman, this first round-up is heavy on wonderful women. Enjoy the first edition! Subscribed to: The Girl’s Night In (GNI) Newsletter GNI sends …