A view of Jackson, Wyoming in summer.

The Time I Got My Hair Stuck in a Belay Device

When you’re dangling from a rope above the earth, pretty much halfway between where you started and where you want to be and surrounded only by open space, there’s not much you can do except sit.

Cliimbers on Grand Teton, Wyoming

How Dare You Accomplish Something

I find it both endearing and a little sad that we can’t promote our own work or tout our own successes, especially online, without being overly bashful about it. We must be self-denigrating and witty-but-also-I’m-serious-please-buy-this-slash-look-at-this-thing-I-made-or-did.

Do the Thing Solo

Today is the day I admit the extent of my loserdom: I once went to a concert by myself. It was a small-ish concert at the Black Cat in D.C., headlined by a band that I still love. (Magic Man haters not welcome.) The problem was that I didn’t know very many people in D.C. …

Wander Weekly #3: Live Free or Die

Wander Weekly is a weekly post on what I’m consuming at the moment. Happy almost-Independence Day, American friends! Please pour one out for those of us who don’t have Monday off. (🙋) This week: a reminder that freedom isn’t free. Do what you want with your life. I am – Reading: “The most important ride …