My Favorite Adventure Films From 5Point 2019

Father, husband, cancer patient – all of these identities describe two men with a dream to climb the Grand Teton despite their diagnoses. A 97-year-old puts my work ethic to shame as he runs the road race up Mount Washington. Two partners grapple with mountain biking, running a restaurant, and being a lesbian couple in …

An Off-Season Guide to Northern Italy

Northern Italy is home to countless wonders of the world, from the peaks of the Dolomites to delicious pasta and gelato. A month ago, I was able to see this splendor on my first-ever trip to Italy, and I was excited to experience all of it.

A view of Jackson, Wyoming in summer.

The Time I Got My Hair Stuck in a Belay Device

When you’re dangling from a rope above the earth, pretty much halfway between where you started and where you want to be and surrounded only by open space, there’s not much you can do except sit.

Trying Things December

Trying Things: December

Every month this year, I’m trying something new and documenting how it went. For the last month of 2018, I decided a little self-torture couldn’t hurt.

A woman hikes by a lake, "SORRY" coming out of a speech bubble.

Unapologetic Women

“Sorry!” This is what I say to people who bump into me on the sidewalk, people who have accidentally picked up my drink instead of theirs (“Oh, that’s mine, sorry”), to anyone who opens a door right as I’m about to walk through it, to waiters at restaurants that have accidentally messed up my order. …

Trying Things November

Trying Things: November

Many months ago, my grandma was preparing to move to Ohio to be closer to my parents, and she was clearing out some of her old things to prepare for the move. I was walking through her basement past a pile of said things when a word on the worn-looking box balanced on top of the pile caught my eye. Calligraphy.

Holiday Gift Guide

How to Gift an Experience This Year

Black Friday weekend is upon us (and you know it’s the whole long weekend, not just Friday.) This means that a) the Christmas music you’ve been hearing is about to ramp up to an 11, and b) holiday shopping is entering full force.

Trying Things October

Trying Things: October

Every month this year, I’m trying something new and documenting what happens. Check out what I’ve done in past months here. In October, I made a deliberate effort to meditate every morning for 7 consecutive days. Here’s how that went. I have had good Octobers. Last October, I spent most of my weekends in New Hampshire …

Cliimbers on Grand Teton, Wyoming

How Dare You Accomplish Something

I find it both endearing and a little sad that we can’t promote our own work or tout our own successes, especially online, without being overly bashful about it. We must be self-denigrating and witty-but-also-I’m-serious-please-buy-this-slash-look-at-this-thing-I-made-or-did.